Operator vs Flyer in Europe

It seems to be free.

I can see where you’ve got stuck. You haven’t actually applied to register. At the screen where it said:

  • or first Member State in which the operator intends to operate, in the case of an operator established or resident in a third country.
    To register as a UAS operator in France, the country of residence must be France or, in the case of an operator resident in a third country, France must be the first Member State in which the operator intends to operate.

(In other words, they don’t really want to be providing their service for the entire EU, for free. But c’est la vie.)

You need to change the country to France. Then it will let you register.

Once you’ve changed the country to France you can proceed and register.

I give up. Saying there’s already a user with the same Email, now to contact them via email. I may as well continue as a photographer in Europe as all this is stressing the hell out of me !!!

That’s it.

You’re done.

Your EU Operator ID (registration number) is shown on screen. Press the ‘Download an extract from the reg…’ button to get your certificate.

No stress.

That’s it? The certificate with this heading at the top…do I do anything else now? I don’t see any funds taken from my account?

Article 14 du règlement d’exécution (UE) 2019/947 de la Commission du 24 mai 2019 concernant les règles et
procédures applicables à l’exploitation d’aéronefs sans équipage à bord
Données valables à la date du: 22/08/2023
Data valid on
Le présent document constitue un extrait du registre des exploitants
d’UAS, faisant suite à l’enregistrement d’un tel exploitant sur le
portail AlphaTango, conformément à l’article 14 du règlement (UE)
2019/947 précité.
Les informations du présent extrait sont basées sur les déclarations
du titulaire du compte AlphaTango, ou de son représentant. Toute
fausse déclaration peut être punie par la loi.
This document is an extract of the UAS operators register, following the
registration of such an operator on the portal AlphaTango, in application
of Article 14 of the aforementioned Regulation (EU) 2019/947.
The information on the present extract is based on the declarations of
the holder of the account on AlphaTango or of its representative. False
declarations are punishable by law.

Do I need to add aircraft section, or ready to go?

Well no, there is no way they could have taken your money because you haven’t given them any payment details! It is a free service.

Yes, you’re done.

No, there is no need to register any aircraft.

FREE for the Op ID ?

So…airport wise, I’d just need to produce Op ID for UK and Europe, discharge batteries I heard at 0%, and use flame retardant pouches. Also, battery ampages at 100 max, and a Mini 3 pro battery roughly 18 amp, so safely take drone with 3x batteries on as hand luggage, which equates to less then 60 on ampage issues?

You went through the system, exactly the same as I did.

Did it show a price?

Did it ask for your payment details?

No, nothing. No £££ asked for.

If you’re travelling through an airport, nobody is going to give a monkey’s about your Operator ID and Flyer ID.

Regarding your battery, you should read the guidance from your airline. Or even ask them.

I would not recommend discharging a LiPo battery to 0%. That will ruin it!

I’d suggest 3.80v per cell. Which is the best voltage for storing LiPos. The DJI Mini 3 has a 2S LiPo, so that’s 7.6V - or 50% charged.

Or your airline might suggest that you travel with your batteries below 30% of charge.

The Mini 3 battery is 2453 mAh (milliamp-hours) which is 2.4 Ah (amp-hours). 2.4 Ah x 7.6v = 18.24 Wh (Watt-hours).

Apparently some airlines don’t like you to travel with more than 100 Wh of batteries. With 18.24 Wh x 3 you’ll have 54.72 Wh - so well under that 100 Wh limit.

When I was flying with the proper ‘dumb’ LiPo batteries I put insulation tape over the terminals. You could do that on your DJI batteries if you wanted to.

A fireproof bag certainly can’t do any harm either.

Then it must be free of charge. :slight_smile:

All the above info has been so beneficial Simon, thank you for all the questions and dilemma I have had. What’s that link to that well earned latte for you?

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No worries. You’re very welcome!

Seriously no need - but here’s the link:


Hi New to this side of flying.

I have a DJI Spark, i used it in USA a few years ago without having to do any registering, leisure only. Had a PFCO at that time.

would like to take the Spark on holiday to Cyprus for some leisure flying, would this discussed above cover me for that?

Not interested if i have to part with money as not worth it for the time ill use it.

Thanks in advance Trev

Hi Trev

Yes - Cyprus is an EU country so the above process applies.

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Thanks Simon, will give that link a whirl & try it.


Hi Simon Stuck again, Looked back on here but not finding the answers.

To create account click to register.
on registration options
France connect
RNA Number
Manual input.
Clicked Manual input then get this
Individual/sole Trader
Legal Person
Clicked individual
Got the fill details in but couldn’t progress as couldn’t answer the box Sole trader ID Number then Trading name as I don’t know what to put in the boxes???

Help Please??

thanks trev

Hi Trev

I have now gone through the sign up again for you.

You simply need to leave the Sole Trader ID and Trading Name boxes blank. They don’t apply to you.

It works perfectly with those fields left blank.

All the best


Ah ok thanks. Much appreciated, will try again tomorrow, will let you know if I get it sorted.

Thanks for you help.
