Thoughts on flying close to Prisons?

I see the new laws, looks interesting, but do you think 400mtrs is too far away? Do any of you live close to prison that this could affect? (just a thought).

New legislation made this week will make it an automatic offence to fly drones within 400 metres of any closed prison or young offender institution in England and Wales . Drone operators that break the rules could face fines of up to £2,500 while those found smuggling illicit items will face up to 10 years in prison.

i dont see that 400mtrs is that bad myself ,its only been made law, because of a few idiots, using drones for illegal purposes ,but at least we all know what will happen to anyone doing it, from January 25th 2024

The guy on Geeksvana said that the legislation being in place made it enforceable legally but that discretion would be used. The idea is that it gives them something to prosecute with IF it is required whereas before it wasn’t so easy.

I don’t think it’s that unreasonable really, but I’d figure they’d use a little common sense if someone was, for instance, flying a Tiny Whoop in their garden within the 400 metres as opposed to an Inspire or something capable of making a drop…

If i were in that situation i would visit the prison and explain that i live within the limit and am happy to call and inform. Public relations is important for the prison. You are not in prison.