Risk assessment

I’m having trouble printing off the risk assessment, I can print it, but it’s so small it’s not usable, I have tried portrait & landscape.
You can’t wright in the tiny box’s.

Has anyone done a modified version?

Is this site actually real? Have I been scammed?

Is this artical 16 actually real?

You can read every post on this whole site in 20 mins, no one gives a definitive answer to anything. The hand book is a 48 page gobbledygook, along with the actual artical 16 with 19 pages & absolutely zero mention of this artical 16 on the CAA website.

This place smells fishy…

Is this site actually real? Have I been scammed?

Is this artical 16 actually real?

You can read every post on this whole site in 20 mins, no one gives a definitive answer to anything. The hand book is a 48 page gobbledygook, along with the actual artical 16 with 19 pages & absolutely zero mention of this artical 16 on the CAA website.

This place smells fishy…

Hi Mike

Yes, of course FPV UK’s Article 16 Operational Authorisation is real.

The CAA does not publish or mention every operational authorisation it issues on its website. I would imagine it issues tens of thousands of authorisations per year.

The handbook, which is approved by the CAA, has helped countless members understand the UK drone regulations, and how our association works. Nobody has previously described it as anything less than very useful.

Dronehub.co.uk is a tiny part of FPV UK. The level of activity on this forum in no way reflects the authenticity of our Article 16 Operational Authorisation.

If you look at our posts on Facebook, you will see over 600 likes, and over 300 positive comments about FPV UK on one recent post alone.

We have 5 star ratings on both Trust Pilot and Google Reviews.

FPV UK now has almost 14,000 members and goes from strength to strength.

I hope this puts your mind at rest. If not, feel free to email info@fpvuk.org with your specific questions and I will be happy to provide evidence/details of people at the CAA that you can contact to confirm our authorisation.

All the best


Regarding, the risk assessment, it is an Excel file.

It works like any other Excel file.

You can open it and make it as big as you like.

You can fill it on screen and save it. No real need to print it.

My plan was to print off all the docs, to have in a folder to keep with me whilst out flying. & have a few risk assessments pre printed & fill out at the time, & keep a history record in my file folder.

Now I’m not computer friendly, I know absolutely nothing about Excel files, or any of the Microsoft office software etc, so I’m unable to edit/enlarge, or even know how to make such a assessment file myself.

I can open the excel file, it opens in a Google Chrome explore page, but from here on, I don’t have a clue.

wow seriously? I just look around and then fly. Sounds like you are taking this hobby to a level of micro management a professional or even commercial drone operator would take it


There are several free online spreadsheet tools that will open an Excel file.

You can also open them in Google Sheets. Which is a free online spreadsheet tool supplied with gmail, etc.

I live in a village & the locals moan daily about everything, even drones in the past, so im jumping in fully suited & booted with kevlar…

I’ll have my file, CAA card on lanyard, FPV UK card on fpvuk armband.

I have made my own now, looked awesome & rather professional…

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