New member from Peterborough

Hi all
New here and just wanted to say hi.
Recently purchased a mini 4 pro so will be having some fun with that.
Not really had a lot of flying experience so learning to fly will be the first challenge. All registered with Caa and taken the insurance to be in the safe side. Here to learn

@Willo Welcome to Drone Hub and the wonderful world of Drone flying

Welcome to the Hub Willo. Find a field better if no ones there doesn’t have to be flat & cut grass bumpy as hell better good chance no-one will be walking on it. Just want flat but to take off with. Set the distances on radio setting close like 200feet high 30feet away.Do your flight checks, Best not windy say unto 7mph then just fly. Taking off lift drone about 10feet wait until radio say “Home Point Set”, If you don’t here that land & go over process again. Then Try up down, Left Right an so on. when you think your ok with that set max hight 400feet x 100feet away.