Afternoon all, bit windy to go out and get started today. Just arrived in the post, would you believe a brand new Mavic Mini and my first drone. Would be grateful for any tips from members on usage etc, i am also wondering about control style as I’ve not done this before, pinch or thumb? If I’ve got a grin out of you, great. I’ve got to start somewhere! regards Mark
Welcome @MarkGD!!
I’ve never thought about it really, but I’m pretty sure I use my thumbs.
Thanks Simon, i will give both a go to see which is more comfy, I think i watched a video which advocated using ‘pinch’ for FPV which is what i aspire to, thought it might be easier to start off using that method, with a view to the future. Hopefully maiden flight this weekend, let you know how I go. Regards Mark
So despite the conditions being far from ideal, managed to get out in the field today.
Thoroughly enjoyed it and didn’t crash, time for that i suppose! Key takeaways - quieter than i thought, forgot to put it on Cine mode to slow it down, also didn’t format my SD card , fortunately was recording my phone screen. Ended up naturally using my thumbs but wasn’t ideal, will have to work on that. Very clunky flight, but we’ve all got to start somewhere. Onwards and upwards! Inaugural Flight - Training
Any tips or observations, most welcome. Regards Mark
When flying helicopters I use thumb & finger, Planes mostly thumb, Drones thumbs, But when I’m looking for that meticulous movement finger thumb.
Many thanks flyers, definitely going to give it a go on the next flight, it was too easy to just let the thumb go when i went a bit to far. I like the idea of control. Regards Mark
when you use finger & thumb cup you little finger & edge of parm on the transmitter more stable. I like to use lanyard / Neckstrap when I can also.
Thanks Flyers, will give it a go. Regards Mark