Mini 3 Pro limited distance

Hi all. I own a Mavic 3 Pro for outdoor cinematography and ariel work. I recently bought a Mini 3 Pro for indoor and close work. On my first flight I was dismayed to find it would only fly about 500m out before I received “Out of range” warning. The website states 12km.

Any advice would be most welcome


sound to me the range has been set to 500m.

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Nope. Done that

Don’t think there is anything eels

Hi and welcome to Drone Hub :wave: :grinning:
Is it because you are currently switched into sports mode?:thinking:

No. It was in C mode. I changed it to Sports mode the other day to fly it in the house. Sports mode is supposed to shut off the anti collision sensors

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Well Dunn in finding it out. Have you been out side yet & tried it ??.

This happened to me when the Drone was not signed in to my DJI account.