Land owners permission

Does anyone have a letter template that they have written to a land owner / Council to ask permission to take off and land from their site? I was wondering if anyone would be willing to share.

Thank you

Personally I’d go and talk to them face to face it’s better all round, if someone wanted to use my land I wouldn’t want a letter I’d be happier to see who was asking.

Subject: A Most Humble Request for Permission to Fly My Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), Commonly Referred to as a “Drone,” Over Your Most Esteemed Land

To the Most Illustrious and Honorable Council/Landowner, Whose Land is Both Resplendent and Fertile, and Whose Wisdom is Unquestionable,

It is with great reverence and unbridled excitement that I, a humble operator of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (heretofore referred to as the “UAV” or, more colloquially, “drone”), approach your exalted personage (or esteemed institution) with a request that I hope you will consider with the utmost care, deliberation, and perhaps, if time permits, a quick chuckle of amusement.

Permit me, first and foremost, to prostrate myself metaphorically (and perhaps literally, depending on the outcome of this letter) before the grandeur of your dominion. Your land, as any keen observer of geography and topography will attest, is nothing short of magnificent. The undulating hills, the way the light dapples through the trees, the occasional appearance of wildlife—all these aspects of your realm stir within me a deep and abiding sense of awe.

However, I digress, for the purpose of this letter is not merely to sing praises of your land (though I could easily fill several volumes with such commendations), but to humbly request permission to fly my humble UAV—a marvel of modern technology that, I am sure, you will agree, is akin to a mechanical bird—over your aforementioned splendid land.

This is not a request I make lightly, and I assure you that I have spent many sleepless nights pondering the ramifications of such an act. I am well aware that your lands are likely home to a myriad of important things: rare insects, ancient rocks, perhaps even a particularly noteworthy patch of grass. It is for this reason that I come to you, cap in hand (figuratively, for my hands are currently typing this), and beseech you to allow me the great honor of piloting my drone over your hallowed grounds.

Should you find it within your gracious heart to approve this request, I assure you, I will conduct my aerial operations with the decorum, precision, and gravitas befitting someone of your stature. My UAV will hover gently, like a butterfly on a summer breeze, avoiding all obstacles, be they man, beast, or tree. I will, of course, provide a full itinerary of flight paths, altitude specifications, and perhaps even a brief history of UAVs, should such information be of interest to you.

In the unlikely event that my drone’s presence causes any disturbance to the natural balance of your land—be it a blade of grass slightly bending under the whisper of its propellers or the sudden mild curiosity of a nearby squirrel—I am fully prepared to offer compensation in the form of a heartfelt apology, a firm handshake (if we ever meet in person), and perhaps even a small fruit basket, should you feel so inclined.

Moreover, I am willing to negotiate terms. If, for instance, you wish to limit the flight to certain times of day (perhaps so as not to interfere with any local birds’ morning yoga routines), I am more than happy to comply. I could fly only during golden hour, to enhance the aesthetic beauty of your land, or perhaps during the cover of night, so as not to disturb any daytime goings-on (provided, of course, I affix my UAV with appropriate lighting and a jaunty flag for easy identification).

Lastly, if you require any additional documentation—such as proof of my unwavering dedication to the responsible operation of UAVs, or a notarized statement affirming my undying love and admiration for your land—I will gladly provide such things at my earliest convenience.

In conclusion, I humbly submit this request for your most thoughtful and meticulous consideration. I eagerly await your response, which I am sure will be filled with wisdom and clarity, much like the land under your stewardship.

With the deepest respect, admiration, and a hint of whimsical enthusiasm,
[Your Name]
UAV Operator, Aspiring Sky Admiral, and Full-Time Appreciator of Fine Landscapes