Hi all, I’m a new user and slowly trying to build up my certs and open my options for flight types… My drone weighs in at 559 grams so I don’t think I can use it under A1 category with A2 CofC… that being the case will I gain any rights from taking the course?
Oddly enough I’ve just signed up to Article 16 through FPV UK and got a discount code to do A2 lol. I’m just not convinced that I will gain much from it based on what I read and my drone weight? lol
It’s a bit of a minefield of do’s and don’ts isn’t it. It’s going to take a lot of bedtime reading to make sure I’m hot on my Article 16 rights. But I think it’s going to be worth it for me as it’s hard to get too far out and about with the kids and work etc
I am just waiting to take my test. I think it’s worth it. I want to be able to fly from my back garden rather than going to the park. It’s easier for me and my observer.
A quick question regarding article 16, being new myself and trying to learn, does the use of article 16 come automatically with memberships to FPVUK or is it another element that you need to sign up to?
I thought I had a big garden, its huge i cant see more than 200 foot becauseof houses. Must be lovely being able to get a decent flight on the doorstep