Hi from SE Kent

Hi newbie here from SE Kent I have a Mavic air 2 which so far have flown on two locations, once from the road side in a country lane where there would be more life in a cemetery and also from private land on a farm where I have permission to fly at any time, the farm belongs to my partner’s aunt which is handy, I used to fly helicopters but due to the cost of repairs I decided to land for good and got myself the DJI but due to work and weather haven’t had much flying time as yet so still lots to learn especially using the camera as I have no real knowledge on how it should be set up for the various conditions! This is what I managed to capture last weekend, not the most inspiring but it’s a start


Hi Keith

Welcome to DroneHub!

Nice photo!

Thanks this is very new to me I spent a couple of hours just playing to be honest, I’m fortunate to have private land to fool about on as my partner’s aunt owns a farm.


I’m dartford area :muscle:t3:

Nice Pic…It’s got depth.and the long shadows makes you look into the distance.