Getting back to flying

Hi Folks,
I’ve just joined FPVUK as a new member and looking forward to getting back in the air…

I’ve not flown since autumn '19!

I mostly fly wings and I do have a few Multi-copters but they are all gathering dust in my loft. I plan to change that though…

I should be flying tomorrow but I’m going to take it easy and not dive straight back into the goggle, flying LOS with my trusty old Tundra! Lol…


Welcome back Dave!

Wow a Tundra … I have a BushMule hanging up from the same era, I think I only flew it twice.

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That’s fantastic to hear!

Please share a video or photos of your successful return to the air!

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Welcome Dave! Not long been flying myself!

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welcome to the forum

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A week on but I did get in the air.
When I left home, there was very little wind, got to the field and it was very gusty! Just my luck.
I went for a fly and I’ll be honest. That wind made it hard work. After one battery, I landed and put another pack in but…
I noticed my rudder hanging off! FFS!
I’ve fixed it now as well as fitting hinges to the elevator too.
it’s been perfect weather this weekend but I’ve been doing other stuff.
I might see what it’s like in the mornings and go flying on my way to work.

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