Do you have a favourite Youtube channel for drone/photography/video/PP?

Hi All,

I was just thinking about the YT channels I watch and I have far more I watch for general photography and post production than I do for actual drone tips.

With regards photography I have quite a number ranging from Paul Thomson, Henry Turner, Nigel Danson, Gavin Hardcastle(Fototripper), Adam Gibbs, First Man Photography and many others. For PP stills I use Anthony Turnham and Jim Nix, mainly because I don’t use the Adobe Products because they screwed up my machine and won’t install and they didn’t give me my money back, so poo to them (I use Luminar Neo for stills and Davinci for video). For video PP I use Daniel Batal, Mr Alex Tech. Now for actual drone flying, I like Ian in London and of course Stewart and Alina from Drone Film Guide. I just don’t follow that many because a lot of them when I started out were doing what I thought were rather daft stuff like attaching fireworks/rockets to their drones or flying their drones miles away. Just not my scene thats all.

So, do you have anyone you would recommend is worth a follow?



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I think Mathew Brennan is hard to beat. Try his you tube stuff out. He is excellent. Good Luck.


What a good idea for a thread!

I’ve not heard of a lot of the ones you’ve mentioned, so I will have to take a look.

I do watch Sean / Geeksvana. He’s a good bloke.

Here is a link: UPDATED Article 16 Authorisation – Simon Dale FPVUK Interview – Part 1 - YouTube

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there used to be a show like Geeksvana, but not quite as polished, on a Tuesday night, I know you appeared on it a couple of times. There was of course xjet and a guy I remember called Ian who I think lived in Bradford. I just can’t remember the name of the show.


Drone and Sundry from SUAS News (Gary Mortimer)?

Drone & Sundry - YouTube

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That was it. I think Gary was in Spain or at least, somewhere warmer than Scotland.

cheers fella, appreciated.


Africa somewhere. Possibly South Africa.

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Here are a few that spring to mind:

  • CurryKitten - England - does a lot of drone and fixed-wing reviews from a real world perspective (i.e. he actually gets enjoyment out of it) as well as FPV ground stuff (rock crawling etc)
  • Windswept Robert - Scotland - slightly provocative Scotsman who seems to enjoy pointing out how ludicrous the rules are while flying over some beautiful hillsides.
  • BonafidePirate - USA - not so much drones, but one of the original FPV pilots who does both short/long range flights and is very meticulous about his builds.
  • Adam G Does FPV - Ireland - not exactly sticking to the rules regarding LoS, but his FPV (fixed wing) flights are beautiful and his builds are perfect.

While some of these people are not strictly sticking to the rules, there’s a lot of knowledge that can be gained and applied to your own flights (which you are free to conduct completely legally :slight_smile: ).