Body Camera for peace of mind

Hi, after watching many videos showing unwanted intrusions from Joe public, I think I should get a body camera with audio for my personal protection. I’m new to drone flying, I don’t have any internet social media platforms. I don’t wish to go “Auditing” anybody. I’m just a hobbyist photographer who wants a new perspective. Can anybody recommend a good quality unit that is not too expensive? I’m not looking for any sort of “Action Cam”

@AlvinFogg I use a DJI Osmo but an Apeman camera would also do the job, however when I fly I’ve not had any issues with other people.

Thanks Marcus - I guess it’s just the fools who go looking for trouble huh

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We decided to buy a Bodycam when we had a spate of antisocial behaviour in our street a couple of years ago. Did a lot of research and found that most of the 'cams on Amazon were rubbish, so we went for an Elog (actually the X3). It’s tough, long battery life and does the job. Thankfully the ASB has ended, but I always wear this when flying as some people can get quite funny about drones, especially with the increasing numbers of alleged drone incidents in the media (often unfounded).


Thankyou CalderDrone

I’ve only had positive interest from passers by. Most are really interested in the tech! I also go out of my way (if I am filming close to people) where I let them know what I am doing before take-off. I also tend to log flights in the Drone Assist app on iOS, so I can show a ‘planned flight’ if asked. While this of course does not mean that a flight is authorised by anyone, it may be enough to deter most people that seem to think that you don’t have a right to be there.

I keep a copy of my insurance and A2 CofC card (it’s worth paying for the FPV printed one and I also quite like their yellow arm band, although don’t own one myself). If asked I would state that I am operating legally and with insurance within CAA controlled airspace. I would do this in a calm, relaxed and non-confrontational manner. Thankfully, I’ve not had to go this far, but if you can demonstrate that you have every legal right to be there and that you are covered by the law, most are likely to stand down. I also think it’s important to volunteer such information the moment someone appears confrontational, as this is likely to immediately defuse the situation. Obviously if your drone is hovering low over their back garden, that’s another matter, of course. :grinning: - just be mindful of where you take off and fly. Have fun!