UK rules and regulation topics. What’s legal, and what’s not, in the UK.
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Drone Risk Assessment App Creator Gusisin Drone Flyer ,
Good Afternoon Simon , Long Time since our Last text Response ,
I met up with Gusisin Through DRONEHUB FPVUK Being a North
London Flyer and Reach Out , as I am North London and Hook up
at The Welsh Harp Reservoir / Brent Cross , for a Flight ,Firstly
Pulled Mobile Phone and did Risk Assessment App which I
Thought was Very Handy , Later I Checked your Site and
Could not Find ,Text Gus He said he Had Simon has the code
Is This going to be Interduce as an App Soon , Kind Regards Alex, M / N 07860513348
North London DJI Pro 4 Dragonfly ( )